Capacitación técnica virtual en control del tabaco: acelerando la implementación del paquete MPOWER durante COVID-19 en las Américas

La agenda pendiente y el futuro del control del tabaco
Lista de Recursos

Webinar / Sesión 2: Litigios de la industria tabacalera para desafiar el derecho a la salud y la información: Énfasis en la publicidad y el empaquetado.


  1. Andres Constantin and Camila Florencia Tort - Tobacco Industry, Bribery, and Anticorruption

  1. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids – Major Litigation Victories from Around the World

  1. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Tobacco Control Database - Legislation and litigation

  1. Matthew Rimmer – La resolución histórica sobre el empaquetado genérico para productos de tabaco (versión en español)

  1. McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids - Report on WHO FCTC in Legislation and Litigation


  1. McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer – Tobacco plain packaging: Decisive legal victory should encourage more countries to follow Australia’s lead

  1. Mitchell, Andrew D. and Samlidis, Theodore – The WTO Tobacco Plain Packaging Disputes: A Prelude to Public Health Measures in International Economic Law

  1. Monique E. Muggli et al. – Tracking the relevance of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in legislation and litigation through the online resource

  1. O’Neill InstituteforNational and Global HealthLaw, Georgetown UniversityLaw Center – Estrategia de la Industria del Tabaco en el Ámbito Judicial Latinoamericano: Guía para Litigios (versión en español)

  1. O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center – Tobacco Industry Strategy in Latin American Courts: A Litigation Guide (English version)

  1. Organización Mundial de la Salud – Plain packaging of tobacco products: evidence, design, and implementation (English version)

  1. Organización Mundial de la Salud – Tobacco plain packaging: global status update(English version)
  1. OrganizaciónPanamericana de la Salud - The use of law to address noncommunicable diseases in the Caribbean. Section 8: Comparative Litigation

  1. Oscar Cabrera and Juan Carballo – Tobacco Control Litigation: Broader Impacts on Health Rights Adjudication

  1. Oscar Cabrera, Paula AvilaGuillén and Juan Carballo - Restricciones a la publicidad y la promoción del tabaco y la libertad de expresión. ¿Tensión de derechos? (versión en español)

  1. Sarah A. Roache; Lawrence O. Gostin y Eduardo Bianco Fonsalia - Trade, Investment, and Tobacco: Philip Morris v. Uruguay

  1. Suzanne Y. Zhou, Jonathan Lieberman and Evita Ricafort - The impact of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in defending legal challenges to tobacco control measures

  1. Voon, Tania & Mitchell, Andrew & Liberman, J. & Ayres, G - Public health and plain packaging of cigarettes: Legal issues

  1. Voon, Tania and Mitchell, Andrew D. – Implications of WTO Law for Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products Available at SSRN: